| If you are thinking of applying to us but are not sure how to go about it, there are many sources of advice and help. You may have questions about how to apply or filling in our forms. Call our helpline on 0121 200 3512 between 9am and 1pm, Monday to Friday, and we will answer them. You can also email your questions to us at [email protected].
We hold monthly briefings at our office in Birmingham. We also work closely with other organisations that may be able to help you with your application, such as Council's for Voluntary Service, Community Council's and Local Authorities. To find out who to contact locally, call our helpline.
When you contact us, we may suggest you send us an outline proposal and will send you a short form to complete and return. We will look at your outline proposal and if we think the project is something we might support we will tell you what you need to do to apply. We may suggest a meeting with our staff team so that we can provide more detailed guidance. If we think we are unlikely to fund your project we will explain why. You can still apply but you may decide that your time is better spent looking for money elsewhere.
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