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Questions & Answers - Grants, Application Forms, Eligibility

How do we get an application form?

You can telephone our 24 hour local rate application lines below for application packs:

  • Community involvement / Poverty and disadvantage - 0845 791 9191/mincicom 0845 755 6656
  • International grants programme - 0845 791 9191/mincicom 0845 755 6656
  • Awards for All - England - 0845 600 2040/minicom 0845 755 6656
  • Awards for All - Scotland - 0645 700 777/minicom 0845 755 6656
  • Small grants - Wales: 0845 727 3273/minicom 01686 610 205
  • Small grants - Northern Ireland - 0845 791 9191/minicom 0845 755 6656

Select 'Downloads' from the menu bar above for details of our online application forms

Do we have to be a Registered Charity to apply?

No. We can make grants to charitable, benevolent or philanthropic groups, and you do not have to be a registered charity. However, you must be set up for charitable, benevolent or philanthropic purposes, have a constitution, or a set of rules, which defines your aims, objectives and operational procedures, have a bank or building society account with at least two joint signatories of authorisation, be able to provide a copy of your most recent and approved signed accounts.

How many applications can we submit?

There is no restriction on the number of grants you can apply for under our main grants programmes. You may apply for any number of grants under each programme. You may also apply for any number of grants from each office of the Board. However, you may not hold more than one grant at a time for the same project. Please note that if you are applying to run more than one project at a time we will consider your financial and management capacity to run multiple projects.

We're a branch of a larger organisation. Can we apply?


If your organisation is linked to a larger organisation, you may only apply for a grant in your own right if you are independent. If you are not independent you may still be able to apply for a grant, but you will need the support of the larger organisation.

Independent organisations

By �independent' we mean that you must have:

  • a constitution of your own
  • a separate management committee
  • a bank account under your direct control
  • your own annual accounts approved by your management committee
  • control over your income and how it is spent.

Organisations with their own charity number are normally independent.

Dependent organisations

If you are not independent but have a management committee, a bank account, and you produce your own annual accounts, you can still apply for a grant. But the organisation you are linked to will need to support your bid and agree to take legal responsibility for any grant made to you. If you think that this applies to you, contact your local Charities Board office for a standard �letter of endorsement�, and ensure that this is signed by the organisation you are linked to.

Branches of charities that have the same charity number as their parent are almost always dependent.

If you don�t know�

Please contact the organisation you are linked to and discuss the matter with them. You may also contact your local Charities Board office for advice.

Can we apply for a sports, arts or heritage project?

The National Lottery Charities Board would not expect to make grants for sports, arts or heritage projects as these may be more appropriate to one of the other the lottery distribution bodies. These are: The Heritage Lottery Fund (0171 591 6000), the Lottery Arts Fund ( 0171 312 0123), the Lottery Sports Fund (0345 649 649) and The Millennium Commission (0171 340 2030).

If we are awarded a grant, how soon will we get the money?

If you are offered a grant we will write to you explaining our terms and conditions and what you need to do to claim your grant. Once you have accepted our offer, the money will normally be transferred to your account within fifteen working days.

What is the Awards for All and Small Grants Scheme

The Awards for All programme is now open in England and Scotland. The Small grants scheme is open in Wales and Northern Ireland. The grants awarded are worth between �500 and �5,000. All eligible organisations with annual incomes of less than �15,000 can apply. Click here for more details 8. Can individuals apply?

Can individuals apply?

No. We can only make grants to charitable, benevolent or philanthropic groups.

Can we get a grant for our school?

Most schools are not eligible to apply as they are not charitable, benevolent or philanthropic groups. Some schools are legally eligible to apply because they are registered charities, or there may be a voluntary group set up to support the school. However it is the Charities Board's policy not to provide funding for schools or organisations set up to support them.

Do we need to find matching funds?

No. We don't require applicants to secure matching funding to our grants, but we�re happy to match fund.