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National Lottery Charities Board Eastern

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Criterion for categorising your project

Criterion A

Helping people to work together for the benefit of their communities. Projects which could be funded under this criterion include community safety schemes; mediation work; improving community facilities such as buildings, we have funded more than �4,500,000 worth of repairs and refurbishments to community buildings, and there is room for more; encouraging people with similar needs and problems to work together or improving access to services by for example the provision of interpreters, childcare facilities or disabled access

Criterion B

Encouraging people to get involved in their community. Projects which could be funded under this criterion are those which increase the number of people who may wish to volunteer and give support. This could be through recruitment campaigns, particularly in areas where there is no history of volunteering and community action; projects which highlight the benefits of volunteering, supporting self help groups or providing equipment, transport or childcare to enable people to volunteer.

Criterion C

Supporting and developing the community sector. This is the most clear cut of the criteria. Your project fits under here if you are an umbrella organisation (a group supporting other groups) and the project you would like us to fund is around supporting other organisations. This could be by providing training courses, advice, information, office space, networking and advocacy services or shared equipment. . . the list is endless. Along with the opportunity from Autumn for groups to hold more than one grant per theme, this is an ideal opportunity to really develop the voluntary sector infrastructure.