Making an application!
If you belong to a community group or voluntary organisation you may be able to get funds to help you in your activities.
Currently we have two main grants programmes, however we will be introducing a new improved main grants application form in April 2001. We will continue to process applications on the current form until the new form is available, but you must return your application to us within four months. The deadline for returning your application will be shown on the front of your application form. If you cannot return your application by that date you should ask for the new form in April.
Until then our current programmes are:
Community involvement in Scotland
Apply to this programme if your project
- encourages people to be more involved in their communities
- makes it easier for disadvantaged people to play a fuller part in society
- strengthens your organisation or helps it to do its work better
For example, the Community involvement programme can fund projects which
- recruit and train volunteers to work in the community
- provide community facilities - meeting places, play spaces, community gardens - or make improvements to existing facilities
- enable local people to put forward their views or state their needs
- supply transport and other aids to mobility for older or frail people, or
community transport schemes for people living in remote areas
- strengthen existing organisations or help them improve the service they give: for example by purchasing computers or providing training or setting up networks of support.
Poverty and disadvantage in Scotland
Apply to this programme if your project
- supports people living on a low income or people specially affected by poverty such as older people, lone parents or disabled people
- helps to tackle any of the causes of poverty
- aims to minimise or prevent future poverty
- tackles isolation or disadvantage in rural and island communities
- encourages self-help so that whole communities can find their own routes out of poverty
For example the Poverty and disadvantage programme can fund projects such as
- fuel and food initiatives
- drop-in centres
- care and repair schemes
- learning and training opportunities including distance learning
- schemes to increase access to job or training opportunities, for example child care projects and confidence building initiatives
- crisis support
Applying is easy...
- Get an application pack and complete it
- Send us your constitution and your annual accounts
- Tell us how your project fits the programme you�ve chosen and show us that it is well planned and realistic
For an application pack phone 0845 791 9191
or download an application pack from this site!
and remember
- you don�t need matching funding
- grants can cover capital and running costs for your project
...and getting even easier!
If your group is very small, there is an easy, one-stop shop for lottery funding, no matter what your group does.
Awards for All can supply grants between �500 and �5000 to support sports, arts, heritage or charitable activities.
- no deadlines
- no themes
- one door
- one application form
- one hotline
For more details and an application form phone 0131 659 7000