Welcome to the National Lottery Charities Board Northern Ireland Office
Welcome to the National Lottery Charities Board Northern Ireland Office. Our office is based in Belfast and covers all of Northern Ireland. By making grants to charities and community organisations which benefit people living in this area, we aim to help meet the needs of those at greatest disadvantage in society and to improve the quality of life in the community.
Work we have supported includes building and refurbishment of village halls and community centres, community transport schemes, playgroups, training and education and disabled access improvements. More details of this can be found in the focus section.
Our staff at the Northern Ireland Office will be happy to help you with any
questions that you may have about eligibility, our current grants programmes,
funding criteria and information about awards made. We also run seminars and
give talks. Your local helper organisations may also be able to give individual
advice, or run training events. We can put you in touch if you do not know who
they are, or alternatively you can explore our Contacts section at you leisure.