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Community Fund gives young homeless people a chance

Young homeless people are to benefit from £94,151 worth of awards made by the Community Fund in the North East today to BUZZ Youth Project run by Community Campus ’87 (Cleveland) Ltd.

Community Fund North East Regional Committee Chair, John Goddard, said “The North East region is today helping young people in an imaginative first rate project. I congratulate those who have received the award from us for their enterprise and initiative in getting this project off the ground.”

The work this project is doing will help to develop confidence and skills; enabling homeless young people to move onto access mainstream services and become independent.
The project will work with young people (16-25) who access a range of this organisation’s services (targeted at homeless people and those at risk of exclusion). The project will offer informal learning, training and volunteering opportunities and support, to enable users to move on from their crisis situation.

The beneficiaries will be encouraged to volunteer to act as “buddies” for the next generation of project users and to help manage the project.

“The grants we have awarded in the North East region reflect our policy of targeting our resources at those most in need of help.”

For further details please contact Mr Lawrence McAnelly, Community Campus ’87 (Cleveland) Ltd. on 01642 357364.

Notes to editors
  1. Community Fund gives out money raised by the National Lottery to charities, voluntary and community groups. Out of every £1 spent on the National Lottery the Community Fund gets 4.7 pence
  2. Since 1995 Community Fund has awarded over 60,000 grants worth more than £2.7 billion to UK charities and voluntary groups.
  3. The legal name of the Community Fund remains the National Lottery Charities Board. The National Lottery Charities Board was set up in 1994 and changed its operation name to Community Fund – Lottery money making a difference in April 2001.
  4. A new organisation is currently being formed from the New Opportunities Fund and the Community Fund and will soon be distributing a major share of the good causes money raised through the National Lottery. This is an exciting opportunity for us to build on what both Funds have achieved so far and create an even more responsive and accessible organisation. The new distributor, The Big Lottery Fund, will be launched in June 2004. Current programmes, beneficiaries or applications will not be affected.
  5. The New Opportunities Fund distributes National Lottery money to health, education and environment projects across the UK. We intend to support sustainable projects that will improve the quality of life of people throughout the UK, address the needs of those who are most disadvantaged in society, encourage community participation and complement relevant local and national strategies and programmes. (Funding for programmes is divided between England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales on the basis of population weighted to reflect levels of deprivation).

Media Enquiries:  Tim Davies-Pugh, Regional Manager, Community Fund, tel: 0191 255 1121