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Strategic grants news

16/03/04 Lottery money helps expand Canine Partners services into the community
For most people answering the phone, putting a load of washing on or even picking up a paper at the local shop is something that is done with little effort or without a second thought. But for many people like Judy that simply isn’t possible without her four-legged friend.

11/03/04 Strategic lottery grants to focus on
influencing policy and practice

The Community Fund’s Strategic Grants programme is changing its focus to concentrate on influencing policy and practice, it was announced today.

30/01/04 Over £3 million of lottery money awarded in latest Strategic Grants announcement
The Community Fund has today awarded over £3 million to 13 organisations through its Strategic Grants Programme. To date this programme has funded over 1,300 different projects totalling over £261 million since its inception in November 2002.

05/12/03 Over £2.5 million of Lottery cash awarded in latest round of strategic grants
The Community Fund has today awarded a further £2.5 million to an array of voluntary organisations who help the most disadvantaged people in society.

28/02/03 Strategic grants pre-application support pilot project
We are piloting a new service, which will enable you to submit a project proposal in summary form (two sides of A4) before submitting your application form.

03/10/03 £1.5 million of lottery cash awarded to benefit people with disabilities
People with disabilities, their carers and families around the UK are set to benefit from the Community Fund’s latest round of Strategic Grants announced today.

Community Fund helps disabled bikers get back on track
The Community Fund announced today it will help disabled bikers get back on the road safely and confidently with a £42,480 grant.

18/07/03 Summer lottery cash will help thousands of children
Thousands of children across the UK will benefit from more than £2 million of lottery cash from the Community Fund today, to improve their quality of life and the opportunities open to them. The grants have been awarded today under the Community Fund’s Strategic grants programme.

28/05/03 The Community Fund's flagship Strategic Grants programme offers help to those baffled by Outcome Funding
The Community Fund has awarded Charities Evaluation Services £715,736 under its new flagship Strategic Grants programme to support voluntary and community organisations throughout England to assess the outcomes of their work.

28/05/03 The Community Fund helps Children in Care find their voice and fulfil their potential
The children's charity Voice for the Child in Care (VCC) has been given over a quarter of a million pounds from the Community Fund under its news flagship Strategic Grants programme.