Welcome to the Community Fund web site*

Eastern publications

Eastern Resource 04 - Winter 2002
Resource is our office's regular newsletter.

Eastern Resource 05 - Spring 2003
Resource is our office's regular newsletter.

Eastern Resource 06 - Summer 2003
Resource is our office's regular newsletter.

Eastern office application processing times
Community Fund is committed to meeting our published service standards. We know that our applicants are keen that we make and communicate our decisions as quickly as possible, and you can download information on how well we are meeting this aim.

fair share newsletter - May 2003
fair share is an exciting funding initiative targeted at charities and community groups in Basildon, Luton and Waveney. This newsletter tells you about the sorts of projects that we have funded so far and where to get more information.

Eastern Resource 07 - Autumn 2003
Resource is our office's regular newsletter.