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North West publications

North West Resource 08 - Spring / Summer 2004
Resource is our office's regular newsletter.

North West e-bulletin - February 2004
From this page you can get documents from the North West office's February e-bulletin, our newsletter that brings you the latest news from our region.

North West Resource 07 - Autumn / Winter 2003
Resource is our office's regular newsletter.

An outcomes focused approach - information for Helper organisations
This presentation on outcomes was specifically designed for North West Helper organisations and delivered at the Focus Conference 2003. It is specifically designed for Helper organisations and does not contain any help notes for applicants.

North West e-bulletin - September 2003
From this page you can get documents from the North West office's September e-bulletin, our newsletter that brings you the latest news from our region.

September 03 bulletin - welcome
Welcome to our first venture into the use of the e-bulletin. We have contacted many of you to discuss issues, using this method, with considerable success. The response has been very worthwhile.

September 03 bulletin - funding update
We receive many enquiries at the North West Regional Office about application rates, priority beneficiary groups receiving our funding and competition for funding.  This update is to keep you informed on current trends.

September 03 bulletin - fair share update
The fair share team is particularly promoting the Medium grants programme. Community Fund is keen to increase the take up of Medium grants because it means that our funding goes a lot further and reaches more grass roots projects.

September 03 bulletin - Awards for all regional focus
Awards for All is a Lottery grants scheme aimed at local communities. We award grants of between £500 and £5000 in a simple and straightforward way. This bulletin is to inform you of our new Regional Focus.

North West Resource 06 - Spring 2003
Resource is our office's regular newsletter.

North West Resource 05 - Winter 2002
Resource is our office's regular newsletter.

North West Resource 04 - Summer 2002
Resource is our office's regular newsletter.

'It's not a lottery' board game
Developed by the North West Region, in the form of a monopoly style board game, this game is used to help to increase programme and policy knowledge of the Community Fund.

It is mainly used by helper organisations and voluntary groups.

The Knowsley report
This is the second report on the Community Based Campaign (CBC) approach to marketing our grants programmes. The target area was Knowsley and the experience of working with the Voluntary Sector and the Local Authority in partnership proved beneficial to voluntary groups.

North West office application processing times
Community Fund is committed to meeting our published service standards. We know that our applicants are keen that we make and communicate our decisions as quickly as possible, and you can download information on how well we are meeting this aim.

REACH conference report
Tuesday, February 26th 2002, saw the second annual North West regional conference, entitled REACH Conference 2002.