Welcome to the Community Fund web site*

Northern Ireland publications

Equality Impact Assessment (EQIA) - access to Community Fund services
In line with Section 75 of the Northern Ireland Act 1998, the Community
Fund, is required to have due regard to the need to promote equality of opportunity in carrying out all its functions, powers and duties relating to Northern Ireland.

The Northern Ireland Equality Scheme
Community Fund's first Equality Scheme, under Section 75 and Schedule 9 of the Northern Ireland Act 1998, has recently received approval from the Equality Commission for Northern Ireland.

Eligibility check for groups in Northern Ireland
We have a service to help groups in Northern Ireland decide if they are eligible to apply for a grant from us.

Northern Ireland Resource 02 - Winter 2001
Resource is our office's regular newsletter.

Northern Ireland Resource 03 - Spring 2002
Resource is our office's regular newsletter.

Northern Ireland strategic plan 2002 - 07
This is the Strategic plan for Northern Ireland and describes the principles and values which will underpin our grant-making over the next five years.

Northern Ireland office application processing times
Community Fund is committed to meeting our published service standards. We know that our applicants are keen that we make and communicate our decisions as quickly as possible, and you can download information on how well we are meeting this aim.