Welcome to the Community Fund web site*

Events and seminars for the Research grants programme

We run our own seminars and workshops and attend those arranged by others.

To find out more about an event and for booking information, please choose an event from the list.

* 28/5/03 'How to apply' seminar - Cambridge
* 28/5/03 'How to apply' seminar - Cambridge
* 10/7/03 'How to apply' seminar - Manchester
* 10/7/03 'How to apply' seminar - Manchester
* 15/7/03 'How to apply' seminar - London
* 17/9/03 'How to apply' seminar - Belfast
* 17/9/03 'How to apply' seminar - Belfast
* 29/10/03 'How to apply' seminar - Glasgow
* 29/10/03 'How to apply' seminar - Glasgow
* 11/03 'How to apply' seminar - Wales