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5 January 2004

Easier, quicker access to lottery funds in Scotland pilot!

Potential applicants in Scotland can take part in our pilot scheme to shorten assessment times, boost success rates and reduce disappointment.

Applicants (for the moment in Scotland only) are asked to send in a short Outline proposal form giving us some information about the project they would like us to fund.

They’ll give us a rough idea of their project's cost and send us details of their constitution.

We guarantee we'll get back to them within ten working days to confirm whether they are eligible and whether their project has the sorts of outcomes the Scotland Committee would like to support. If so, we’ll send them a new (shorter) application form asking for more information.

The new process should shorten assessment times by a month, and there’s only one application form no matter the cost of the project. Best of all, there’s no need for applicants to fill out the full form unless they know the Committee will be interested in their proposal.

If the pilot is successful, the new process will be rolled out throughout the UK.

You can download the Outline proposal form in EAF format or call the Scotland office direct on 0870 240 2391 for a CD-ROM or paper version of the form.

small green arrow Download the Outline proposal form