Welcome to the Community Fund web site*

6 May 2004

More help to get lottery funds now available in Scotland

Extra help and advice for people looking for lottery funds is paying off in Scotland! Six groups have benefited from grants announced today, all of them taking advantage of the Community Fund’s new way of providing pre-application support.

Instead, people looking for lottery funds from the Community Fund simply submit a short outline proposal and get detailed feedback and advice on the likely chances of success. Only if the project looks likely to be funded do they go on to give more detail – and they will hear the outcome sooner than before.

The first six organisations to benefit from the new system include the Financial Fitness Resource Team in Greenock, Alcohol and Drugs Support South West Scotland, serving Dumfries and Galloway, Drumchapel Citizens Advice Bureau in Glasgow, the Drugs Initiative Group in Forfar, Stepping Stones in
Clydebank and Skye and Lochalsh Community Care Forum. The total value of the grants package announced today is £690,187.

Stepping Stones which works with people who have mental ill health concerns, received a grant of £211,210 Morag Petrie of Stepping Stones said the group had found the new process user friendly and helpful. “The forms are much easier to understand and complete with all the relevant information. The whole process has been streamlined, being much faster, and there is help every step of the way. This grant will enable us to develop a much needed Advocacy Service, empowering its users, and benefiting the local community.”

  • Community Fund gives out money raised by the National Lottery to charities, voluntary and community groups. Out of every £1 spent on the National Lottery the Community Fund gets 4.7 pence.

  • Since 1995 Community Fund has awarded over 60,000 grants worth more than £2.7 billion to UK charities and voluntary groups.

  • The legal name of the Community Fund remains the National Lottery Charities Board. The National Lottery Charities Board was set up in 1994 and changed its operation name to Community Fund – Lottery money making a difference in April 2001.

  • A new organisation is currently being formed from the New Opportunities Fund and the Community Fund and will soon be distributing a major share of the good causes money raised through the National Lottery. This is an exciting opportunity for us to build on what both Funds have achieved so far and create an even more responsive and accessible organisation. The new distributor, The Big Lottery Fund, will be launched in June 2004. Current programmes, beneficiaries or applications will not be affected.

  • The New Opportunities Fund distributes National Lottery money to health, education and environment projects across the UK. We intend to support sustainable projects that will improve the quality of life of people throughout the UK, address the needs of those who are most disadvantaged in society, encourage community participation and complement relevant local and national strategies and programmes. (Funding for programmes is divided between England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales on the basis of population weighted to reflect levels of deprivation).

For more information contact Lorna McNiven, on 0141 223 8600 or 07810 218125

small green arrow Outline proposal form
small green arrow Grants awarded in April 04 (Word format)