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13 November 2003

More services for Cardiff’s disabled youngsters

Young people from Black and minority ethnic communities who are disabled or suffer from chronic illnesses will be the winners following a lottery award from the Community Fund of over £50,000. The award will enable the group, Access for Black and Minority Ethnic Children and Young People with Disabilities (ABCD), to employ a development worker who will work specifically with 16-25 year olds.

The development officer will be responsible for providing information on available services in Cardiff and the Vale, facilitating a young people’s group and ensuring the young people have representation on relevant local forums.

Ms Wahida Kent, project co-ordinator for ABCD, is obviously delighted with the award,
“There is no doubt that young people within this sector have been under represented in the past. This award by the Community Fund ensures that there will be an opportunity in future to hear the voices and the views of these people and that they will be allowed to play a more prominent part and be more valued within our society.”

ABCD was originally formed in 1992 and the need for this present project has been identified by the young people who have been supported over the last 10 years, who are now at the age of between 16 -18.

Jeff Carroll, Community Fund Chair in Wales outlined the reason for this award,
“Our research shows that mainstream organisations working with disabled young people refer to BME young people with disabilities as an 'invisible group' who do not access their services. They all acknowledge that this vulnerable group are neglected but need specialist advice, information and support. We hope that by making this award we will open the door so that in future greater provision will be made for these young people.”

ABCD hope to advertise the post shortly in order to have a development officer in post by early January 2004.

Notes to Editors

1. The Community Fund shares out money raised by the National Lottery to charities and to voluntary and community groups. Out of every £1 spent on the National Lottery the Community Fund gets 4.7 pence.
2. The legal name of the Community Fund remains the National Lottery Charities Board.
3. Since 1995 the Community Fund has awarded over £145 million to groups in Wales. Full details are available on our website at www.community-fund.org.uk

Contact Deian Creunant, Communications Manager on 01686 611705 / 07855 27 67 40 for further information.