We are unlikely to fund your application if it is for an amount above the limit suggested for the country or region you want to apply to, unless its quality is outstanding compared to other bids. If you want to apply for more than £250,000 please call your local Community fund office.
The average size of grants in our Grants for large projects is currently about £100,000 over three years. If the cost of your whole project is £60,000 or less (and if the total cost of any building construction or refurbishment work involved is no more than £30,000 excluding VAT) you should apply to our Grants for medium-sized projects. The smallest grant we make in both programmes is £500.
You must apply to the country or England region where most of the people who will benefit from your project live. For England-wide or UK-wide projects or for projects covering more than one country of the UK or more than three England regions you should apply to our Strategic grants office.