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Research grants -
Questions and answers | ||||||||||
Most Frequently asked questions
1. How much is the budget for the programme? 3% of grant making resources = £ 8 million in the first year. 2. How much can be applied for? The smallest grant that we normally award is £500. The average award we expect to make under the Research grants programme will be about £150,000 over three years. We do not normally expect to give grants over £500,000 unless there are exceptional circumstances. Make sure that you can justify the amount you have asked for. You should ask for the exact cost of what you need, not a rounded-up figure. You should include VAT costs that you cannot claim back. 3. How long can the project be? Projects can run for up to three years. All research activities must be completed by the end of the third year. A fourth year can be added but for dissemination purposes only, provided this is included in the original application. 4. Can you put me in contact with somebody who might be interested in my research and is eligible? No. We would expect any applicant to know their field and its players well and importantly we would need to be convinced that any proposal is lead by the organisation which applies for any grant. 5. Will you fund ongoing research? We will fund new work in an existing area. However, once a grant is awarded we will not, other than in exceptional circumstances, extend funding to continue the same project, or projects that directly develop the research or its methodology further. WHY RESEARCH GRANTS? 1. Why do you fund research? We give grants to help meet the needs of those at greatest disadvantage in society and to improve the quality of life in the community. We want to fund research that contributes in the long term to these aims. 2. Does the setting up of the research programme mean you have given in to pressure from the cancer charities, pharmaceuticals and the government? The Community Fund is a non departmental public body set up by parliament with the Department of Culture, Media, and Sport as its sponsor department. The Board Members of the Fund are appointed by the Secretary of State but its decisions concerning programmes, policies and all applications are made completely independently. 3. Would it not be easier and more effective to give the money directly to the NHS? No. The Community Fund has been set up to provide support for charitable and philanthropic and benevolent organisations. Legally it cannot fund statutory bodies. 4. Are any of your Board members connected to medical or health charities? Some Board members do have first hand experience in the health or social welfare field and we greatly value the experience they bring to bear in formulating our policies. We have established procedures on conflict of interest so that Board members are never involved in making decisions on applications from groups with which they have a connection. We also have a strict procedure which requires any of our members and staff to declare possible conflicts of interest and/or potential vested interests. All decisions are made after detailed assessments by expert advisors. 5. How well qualified is the Community Fund to assess social and health research applications? The Research Grants Programme has a number of stages in its assessment procedure which include the use of independent expertise. The first stage uses independent reviewers nominated by the applicants. The second stage is for our grants staff and External Assessors to examine the full application together with those reviews. The third stage is for Advisory medical and social welfare panels (made up of experts in relevant areas and membership from Community Fund standing committees) to review all applications and present their report to the decision-making committee. 6. Are you consulting with lottery players? We are not. But we regularly consult the voluntary sector and the general public, and are currently in the process of so doing to help inform our Strategic Plan for the next five years. 7. Why are you diverting funding away from those in poverty and immediate need? We are not. One of the main reasons for having a research grants programme is to help develop new approaches to issues. In the longer term we expect research that we have supported to help meet the needs of those at greatest disadvantage in society and to improve the quality of life in the community Also, it is a requirement of any funding that the findings of any research are widely disseminated including amongst the people who are to benefit ultimately from the research. 8. Does this programme aim to develop research capacity in charities? The aim of the programme is to help charities and voluntary organisations develop innovative responses to today's issues and strategies to address the issues of tomorrow. We do not develop research capacity in charities. APPLICANT ELIGIBILITY 1. Can I apply if we are a religious organisation? Yes if you meet all eligibility criteria. However, we do not give grants to projects which promote religious beliefs. 2. One of the organisations in our consortium is from the Republic of Ireland. Are we still eligible? No. All organisations must be established in the UK. 3. Can overseas organisations apply? No. Legally we can only fund UK-based charities and voluntary organisations 4. Several of the members of our planned Steering Group are from Universities in other countries. Are we still eligible? The application must be led by a charitable organisation, and we would normally expect that a project's Steering Group would comprise membership from within the UK. However there may be instances where experts from outside the UK could play an important advisory role. 5. Beneficiaries - can beneficiaries of the research be located outside the UK? In this programme we fund research projects for the benefit of people resident in the UK and, consequently, your project must demonstrate a need for the research within the UK. We realise that some research may also benefit people abroad. 6. Work outside the UK - can you clarify whether you will support fieldwork based overseas or in other EU member States? It is unlikely that we will fund fieldwork outside the UK. However, there might be exceptions for example when research facilities are not available in the UK or the research requires additional information which is not available directly in the UK. The key rule to observe is that the beneficiaries of the research have to be in the UK. 7. What in terms of projects would be exceptional but eligible? This question is difficult to answer in general terms, and our advice is that you contact the Research Grants Team directly to discuss your application prior to submission. Although we cannot discuss all details, we can give general advice. 8. Can I apply for a grant if I already hold one? If you already hold a research grant you are eligible to apply for a different research project in this programme. However, for now, should you get a grant, you are then unable to apply to this programme again until your project has ended. In our other grant programmes you can. We will keep this under review dependant on demand and our resources. In addition, in all our grant programmes (except in Awards for All) you can apply both as sole applicant and as part of a consortium. 9. Can universities apply for funding directly? No. Any application has to come from an eligible organisation. Although we accept that universities are legally eligible in their own right, it is not our policy to fund them directly. 10. Can individual researchers apply for money under this grants programme? No. Any application has to come from an eligible organisation. Individuals are not eligible in their own right therefore we cannot make grants to them. 11. Can a research centre apply for more than one grant in partnership with different voluntary organisations? A Research Centre cannot apply directly to the Community Fund in its own right. However, the same Centre can work with different Voluntary Organisations as long as the applications do not duplicate each other, and evidence is provided that the Centre can demonstrate that it has the necessary capacity. POLICY i) Research Subjects 1. What types of research will you fund? The programme's over-arching aim is to promote social inclusion. Research should focus on Health and Social Well-being with priority given to research focusing on young people, older people, Black and ethnic minorities and/or people with learning difficulties. However, you can still apply for support if your proposed work does not fall into any of the priority areas. It can still succeed if it meets all the other requirements. 2. Is medical research included in this programme? Yes, we do fund medical research. 3. Do you have a quota "health" vs "social" research? No. We will assess every application on its merits in competition with all other applications. 4. Will you fund genetic research? If the proposed research meets our criteria and sets out high quality innovative science and succeeds in competition with other applications to the Programme. 5. Will you fund animal testing? Such research is not excluded by the Research Grants Programme Policies. We expect that government regulations and requirements as well as guidance from the Association of Medical Research Charities will be followed. Our handbook "doing research and doing it right" is supplementary advice and endorses these standards. The handbook "doing research and doing it right" will be available at www.community-fund.org.uk. 6. Do you expect to fund research into CJD and the human form of foot and mouth? It is impossible to say at this stage. Every application will be assessed on its merits. 7. Will any money fund research into alternative or complimentary medicine? Such research is not excluded by the Research Grants Programme Policies. Every application will be assessed on its merits. 8. Will you fund research into service development? We are unlikely to fund services which are then the subject of research. We will not fund projects which directly or indirectly replace or subsidise statutory services. 9. Research using existing services - can you give examples of cases when research using existing services could be funded? We are unlikely to fund evaluations by a charity of their main activity or services which are then the subject of research. However, we would consider applications if a research project requires for example trials, case studies or client contacts which are only available through the provision of certain services. Where possible the results would need to be relevant to the wider community and not just the applicant organisation. 10. Have you consulted with medical and research charities about the types of applications you want to receive? Yes. This programme builds on extensive consultation with the research charity sector which began 1995. We have had regular contact with the Association of Medical Research Charities and other charities and funders in the fields of both medical and social research. 11. Will you be consulting health authorities and local authorities about applications you receive? No. Applicants will be asked how they have established the need for the research and we would expect them to have consulted all relevant bodies. ii) Applicants 1. Could I receive more than one grant under this programme? You can potentially hold two grants, one as the sole applicant and one as part of a consortium. 2. Small research projects - is there any possibility of setting up a "research for all" fund which gives grants to small research projects potentially looking for particular outcomes and/or grassroots involvement rather than "high quality research"? We expect to review the programme in 24 months time. Suggestions such as this one will be carried forward. 3. How do you judge the ability to manage a substantial research grant in the case of small, or new organisations with small income or little track record in managing grants? As a small or new organisations that aims to manage an expensive and/or complex project, you must demonstrate the ability to manage the project successfully while remaining accountable throughout. The first indication of your ability is a detailed and realistic project plan that you should provide. You should also tell us what experience and skills your management committee brings to the project. As a general rule, you should assume that the more expensive and complex your project is, the more evidence you need to provide to assure us that the project will be managed and delivered successfully. Your application is likely to be stronger if you do not rely on the expertise of only a few individuals in your organisations. Another factor to take into consideration is whether your organisation has put arrangements in place to supervise the research. For example, this could be a research steering group with suitable expertise which monitors the research and reports back to the organisation regularly. Please note that this advice applies to organisations of all sizes and expertise. 4. Regional Support for Research Grant applications. Wouldn't it be better to have regional support for the Research Grants Programme instead of running it exclusively from London? The Research Grants Programme is UK wide and, therefore, there are several administrative and managerial benefits in having the research grants team located in one central office. However, we do recognise the advantage of getting direct and competent local advice. At the moment we are looking at various ways of training local staff across the countries and regions about the details and specifics of the Research Grants Programme. 5. Conflict of roles - can a researcher also be a trustee of the applicant charity? We cannot provide generic advice on this issue. Any potential conflict of roles has to be explored extremely seriously by the applicant. Were the position is unclear, we advise that applicants consult their legal advisors and inform us as part of the application. 6. PhD researchers - can researchers use the results of a study for their PhD thesis? Results of research projects funded in this programme can be used within PhD theses. There may also be occasions when a PhD study may form part of the project. However, everybody within the project should be aware of the terms and conditions of the grant agreement, for example referring to publication and intellectual property rights, as compliance with the terms and conditions remains paramount. Researchers who want to include results from the projects in their thesis should consult their academic supervisors about the implications of this. If a PhD study is included in the project, please note that we will NOT cover the costs of tuition fees. 7. Grassroots involvement - how can you ensure that the assessment process does not exclude grassroots organisations? The grant programme is developed to encourage the participation of organisations that understand the needs of their beneficiary communities, are able to represent them, and can communicate the research findings effectively. Where grassroots organisations feel that they cannot carry out the research themselves, we encourage them to work in partnership with organisations with the skills to do this. Likewise, where organisations feel they cannot meet some of the assessment criteria, we encourage them to think about alternative application formats, for example consortium applications. 8. Does the fact that you do not fund university overheads mean that applicants will need to settle for research of a lower quality? No. iii) Partnerships 1. Can we work in partnerships? Yes. We expect the charities where appropriate to work closely and in partnership with research organisations and individuals. Also, some applications will require consortia to both manage and undertake the proposed research effectively. (However. Please note that where independent researchers are involved, a consortium is not needed necessarily to undertake the research. A consortium may be needed to manage the project and get involved in a more effective dissemination. 2. Agreement between partners - do you expect a contract between partners to be signed before the application is submitted? We do not expect to receive signed contracts between partners when the application is submitted unless these are readily available. However, we would expect the general terms of any agreement to be in place and in writing, for example in a letter of understanding. If awarded a grant, the agreement must be finalised and approved by us before payments can be released. Project start When does the project start? The award is confirmed when the grant offer and terms and conditions have been signed and returned to the Community Fund by the applicant. The grant start date is generally set to coincide with the first payment towards the grant, excluding lead-in payments. A payment plan clarifying this is agreed with the applicant prior to the start of the project. iv) Beneficiaries. 1. Why does it need to be shown how people will benefit from the research? We need to see that the project responds to clearly identified needs, preferably identified by the people the project is going to benefit. We also need to see how the people the project is going to benefit will be informed of the research findings. 2. Ethnicity of beneficiaries. In question B21 you ask the applicants to identify beneficiaries according to ethnic group. Why is it not possible to tick more than one box? We use the information provided here by applicants to report on and to monitor the number of grants that we have made for the benefit of particular ethnic groups. In order to monitor this aspect consistently and against a recognised standard, it is essential that applicants to all programmes tick only one box. We recognise the limitation of this requirement, and the difficulty it may cause for certain applicants. However, we need to monitor applications we receive and the grants we make against data across the whole of the UK and therefore we use Office for National Statistics and Census categories. 4. Do you specify geographic areas? No although there is an expectation that the projects will be of benefit to as wide a beneficiary audience as possible - which can be local, regional, national. v) Funding General 1. Are there any instances where funding is available for costs incurred before the award of the grant? This is not possible. We cannot meet any expenditure incurred before an offer letter is sent to you and you have agreed to our terms and conditions. 2. Funding schedule - can the organisation claim for staffing costs in advance? We do not pay grants retrospectively and we do not pay for any costs incurred before our offer of grant has been accepted. A schedule of payment is then agreed with you. After the start date has been arranged with you and we know when staff are in post, we will normally pay the grant quarterly in advance for running costs (including staff costs). Capital costs will be subject to different arrangements. 3. Replacing statutory funding - can you give examples when projects might replace statutory funding? We do not fund projects which replace statutory funding, where it exists, existed or should by statute exist. Examples of where we will not provide funding include. - Projects to buy equipment for hospitals. - Projects to pay for teachers' salaries. - Projects to pay for fostering of children which have been placed there by the local authority. - Projects to pay for the housing of refugees. Please note that these are EXAMPLES only and NOT a complete list. We will consider applications where statutory funding has been provided for an earlier phase of the research but was time limited. 4. Pay increments - do you fund pay increments? Applicants can apply for staff costs which are associated with the research project. Within the total budget for a project, you can increase costs from year one to year two by three per cent and similarly from year two to year three. These three per cent increases have to contain all predicted changes in costs at the time of application. Once the amount of a grant has been decided it cannot be increased. 5. Large compound bids - will you consider applications for part support of large compound bids? Yes we will. However, we would need to see clearly on which part of the bid the Community Fund grant would be spent and funds sought would have to be a clearly defined project within that bid. 6. University overheads - if you do not fund university overheads but the research is located at a university, what do you fund? We fund the itemised running costs of a project. Any figure which uses a percentage of the project costs as overheads will be disregarded. Importantly we fund the voluntary organisation to undertake the research and not the research centre itself. We expect an agreement regulating the relationship between the two. 7. Will you pay for hospital equipment? No. This is a research programme. We will only make grants for equipment used in research. We will not fund equipment for which there is not a specific research use. vi) Match/Continuation Funding 1. Do you provide match funding? Yes, where appropriate. 2. Will the board offer continuation funding for projects already supported? We will not normally extend the funding for continuation projects or for projects which develop the research or its methodology further. When applying for a new project, the applicant must demonstrate clearly the research question or hypothesis, and to distinguish the project carefully in terms of finance, time commitment, and project costs. If the same personnel as were involved in other work previously supported through the Community Fund are involved in the new project, or if the same management arrangements pertain, we will expect applicants to explain the arrangements and resources fully. You will be assessed in competition with new applications and should not expect to be automatically funded again. This is in contrast to our main grants programme, where you can reapply to develop your existing project, within the last 12 months of the existing project. 3. What happens if a project needs more funding to be successful? Applications should be for projects which can be completed within time and budget. The grant cannot be increased if there is an overspend on the project. 4. What is your policy towards projects requiring continuation funding? Our rule is that "continuation" is not acceptable, but "taking forward" may well be. "Taking forward" includes exploring different aspects or issues through a different methodology, even though the overall aim may be the same (for example aiming to cure a specific cancer) as an earlier successful award. vii) Dissemination 1. Do all results have to be shared? Yes. We require that the research results must remain within public domain and must be disseminated as widely and openly as appropriate. 2. Dissemination - is there a limit on the amount of money we fund for dissemination? There is no limit set for dissemination costs. However, we will look at the budget carefully to make sure that the plan is logical and provides value for money. 3. Lobbying - can lobbying be part of the dissemination plan? We will support plans to demonstrate what can be learnt from the research and to inform policy makers. We do not support lobbying as an attempt to influence the decision of legislators. TERMINOLOGY 1. What does "promoting social inclusion" mean? It means helping to increase understanding why people are socially excluded and aiming to help them to become included in society. 2. What is the difference between learning disability and learning difficulties? The definition of "Learning Disability" given in the Government White Paper "Valuing People" presented to Parliament in March 2001 is 'The term "Learning Disability" replaces the term "Mental Handicap". Learning disability includes the presence of: - A significantly reduced ability to understand new or complex information, to learn new skills (impaired intelligence), with; - a reduced ability to cope independently (impaired social functioning); - which started before adulthood, with a lasting effect on development.' This definition encompasses people with a broad range of disabilities. The definition covers adults with autism who also have learning disabilities, but not those with a higher level autistic spectrum disorder who may be of average or even above average intelligence, such as some people with Asperger's Syndrome. "Learning disability" does not include all those who have a "learning difficulty" which is more broadly defined in education legislation, nor specific learning difficulties like dyslexia. We use learning difficulty as the wider more inclusive term. 3. How young are "young people" and how old are "old people"? We define young people as between the ages of 0 and 25. The older people. category refers to people aged 75 and over, although there are varying definitions which start at 50. We will consider these. However, we expect to target people aged 75 and over. 4. Are asylum seekers included in any of the categories? This will depend on the application. If it considers asylum seekers with any of the priority areas, then yes, if not, then no. 5. How do you define .social well being., for example, could research into housing conditions be included, because of potential links with asthma? This will depend on the proposed work. If in doubt, contact us to discuss your application prior to sending it in. 6. What count as free reserves? The formula for the assessment of free reserves is. - Free Reserves = Net Assets - (Restricted Funds + Fixed Assets). If the free reserves of a charity (excluding any contributions towards the project) exceed 12 months operating expenditure an explanation will be required on the full use and purpose of the reserves and why the Community Fund is asked to consider a grant. Definitions - Restricted funds are funds which are available to the charity only for a specific purpose and which cannot be reallocated by the Trustees or the Management Committee, for example specific donations or grants for specific projects. - Fixed Assets are assets such as land, plant and equipment acquired for long term use in the organisation and not for re-sale. Please note: Allocated or designated funds are funds which the applicant organisation has already identified or committed to a particular purpose. Depending on the level of commitment such funds could be spent differently if the Management Committee of the charity decided to do so. Unless we are told how and why these fund have been committed these funds count as part of free reserves. Applications from previous grant holders will only be accepted if they propose a different project. 7. Ethnic Minority - how do you define ethnic minorities? Ethnicity is a contested concept and we do not have a set definition. An ethnic group is commonly described by referring primarily to social and cultural forms of identification and self-identification. 8. Can you define the term "medical"? Medical = of, for, or offering the treatment of illness and injuries [including prevention]. Medical research = research into the treatment and prevention of illnesses and injuries. 9. How does the programme define "appropriate beneficiary involvement" in dissemination activities? The dissemination should target the widest possible audience that may benefit from the research findings. We are aware that there is no one "right" way to disseminate research activities. In some projects it will be entirely appropriate for the beneficiary audience to play an active role in managing the research very closely and for the beneficiaries to be closely informed of developments as they happen. In other projects, it may only be appropriate for progress and outcomes to be debated by peers. 10. What exactly do you mean when referring to "a satisfactory dissemination plan"? In general, this will include the usage of appropriate dissemination methods which will reach as wide an audience as possible. In should include beneficiary groups, as well as groups such as policy makers or academics. We also expect you to explain in detail why you have put together the particular plan that you propose, and how you will put it into practice. 11. Does .health. include sport and fitness activities? Not for their own sake. It will depend on the proposed research. Please contact us to discuss before sending in your application. 12. What is the difference between "reasonable financial health" and "financially sound"? - "Financial health" - are they solvent? Relates to their current financial situation. Are they in a deficit? What commitments/liabilities? - "Financial soundness" - what financial controls and procedures in place? What history/track record and how can it be extrapolated? ASSESSMENT PROCESS 1. Under what criteria are research grant applications assessed? There are nine criteria in total: Criterion 1: The applicant organisation is well managed and financially sound; Criterion 2: The voluntary sector organisation is taking the lead in the overall management of the research project, and to what extend it has the capacity to do so; Criterion 3: The voluntary sector organisation is representative of the group(s) whose interest it declares to represent; Criterion 4: The voluntary sector organisation has identified and demonstrated a substantial need for the research; Criterion 5: The main focus of the research project meets the Community Fund's priority of promoting social inclusion.; Criterion 6: Does the research application include appropriate and achievable plans for dissemination the results of the research project? Criterion 7: Is the proposed budget accurate and reasonable and does the project represent good value for money? Criterion 8: The research is worthwhile and of high quality; Criterion 9: The research is planned thoroughly and logically and its progress can be monitored and evaluated effectively. These criteria are assessed both internally and externally. 2. Is this the first research grants programme run by you? No, we had two time limited rounds, one in 1996 and the other in 1998-1999. This, however, is the first time a continuous research grants programme has been established. 3. Will there be a short first application form like last time? No, because of time constraints. If we were to introduce an outline bid stage to the process, this would increase the total time between first application to announcement of awards by at least 4-6 weeks' time which we do not have during the first year of operation. However, further down the line, we hope to take stock of our processes generally and revise them as appropriate. 4. How will you decide what gets funded if demands exceed available resources? The programme is a competitive process, and we anticipate that demand will exceed available resources. The Advisory Panel looks across all Assessments and provides guidance on priorities. The UK Committee will decide on allocations using that advice. 5. Length of research proposal - is there a minimum or a maximum word requirement for the research proposal? There are no set rules regarding the length of research proposals and/or business plans. It is left to your choice and to your needs to determine the amount of words it takes to make your case in a structured and comprehensive way. Keep in mind that you have to convey ideas and thoughts that may be very obvious to your organisation but not to assessing outsiders. 6. Why does it take up to six months to complete an assessment? To ensure that that all applications are assessed on an equal basis in an open and transparent system. There are several stages in the process, including the use of expert advice. In parallel with assessment on eligibility and organisational aspects by the RGP Grants Officers, there are a number of additional processes which assess the research and partnership aspects of the proposal. These stages are as follows. - Independent peer review by independent experts - Assessment of the whole proposal, including independent reviews and Grants Officer organisational/management appraisal by External Assessors - Review by the Advisory Panel in competition with other applications. - Consideration by the decision-making committee. 7. When is the deadline? There will be no closing dates for application. This means you can hand in the application when you feel ready. 8. When will you be making the decisions? The next set of successful application will be announced in July of this year. The next announcement will be made in December. 9. Who makes the final decision? The Community Fund UK Committee will make the final decisions with regard to grant awards. The membership is published in the annual report. 10. Who is on the advisory panel? This is yet to be decided, based on the applications received and their subject areas. However, there will be two advisory panels one focusing on medical research, and one focusing on social research. Each is likely to be chaired by a member of the UK Committee who will act as an "honest broker" and provide a direct link to the UK Committee. The expert members will be invited to join on an ad hoc basis for that meeting only, based on their expertise and understanding of the process. 11. Advisory Panel - what happens if the Advisory Panel identifies a number of similar proposals? Much will depend on the nature and degree of similarity; proposals are prioritised on the basis of quality. The advisory panel will make the UK Committee aware of similar applications. In a situation where a number of projects that deal with very similar issues are not funded and the UK Committee considers that there is scope for developing a joint application of higher quality, it may recommend to explore this possibility. In a situation where one or more applications have not been successful and where a similar application of higher quality has been awarded a grant, this information will be included in written feedback to the applicants. 12. Can I resubmit if I fail? Yes. We encourage this providing the organisation and the project are eligible. 13. Can I get feedback? Yes. We are committed to writing to you explaining why you were unsuccessful. 14. Is there an appeals process? No. Grants are discretionary so our decisions on applications are final. However, there is an Applicants Charter and complaints procedure if you feel we have not handled your application fairly. |