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East Midlands news index
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08/04/04 Nottinghamshire group's windfall The Community Fund has awarded six groups a total of £806,844 in Nottinghamshire in the second round of grants in 2004.
08/04/04 Linconshire Lottery Luck A Lincoln charity has been thrown a lottery lifeline for by the Community Fund in the second round of grants it has given to the region in 2004.
The Community Fund has awarded £111,016 to Lincoln Area Dial-A-Ride to save it from going into decline. The grant given to the community transport is one of six, totalling £520, 507 that have recently been awarded to the county. 08/04/04 Leicestershire Lottery Loot A Leicester charity has scooped one of the largest grants awarded to the East Midlands by the Community Fund in the second round of grants it has given to the region in 2004.
The Community Fund – a National Lottery distributor that gives lottery money to charities and voluntary groups – has awarded £178,764 to Carers of Leics Action and Support Project (CLASP) The Carers Centre is on Constitution Hill in Leicester. 08/04/04 Derbyshire Delight Four Derbyshire good causes have been thrown a lottery lifeline by the Community Fund in the second round of grants it has given to the region in 2004.
The Community Fund – a National Lottery distributor that gives lottery money to charities and voluntary groups – has awarded a total of £285,189 to the county. 05/03/04 Awards for two Leicestershire groups in first round of 2004 The two organisations – British Korean Veterans Association, based in Leicester and Age Concern Hinckley and Burbage in Hinckley - will share a total of £146,127 of lottery money. The grants are the first to be awarded to the county’s good causes in 2004 by the Community Fund. Five further rounds of Community Fund grants are expected throughout the year.
05/03/04 Three Nottinghamshire groups benefit in first round of 2004 The three organisations – Family First Limited based in Nottingham, Hope For The Homeless (HOPE) in Worksop and Nottingham’s Co-ordinating European Funding for the East Midlands Third Sector (CEFET) organisation - will share a total of £615,791 of lottery money. The grants are the first to be awarded to the county’s good causes in 2004 by the Community Fund. Five further rounds of Community Fund grants are expected throughout the year.
05/03/04 Five Derbyshire groups benefit in first round of 2004 awards The five organisations – Derby Law Centre, the Chesterfield-based Volunteer Centre, South Normanton Community Church, Osmaston-based Nacro Community Enterprises Limited and Tideswell Tai Chi Group - will share a total of £334,197 of lottery money. The grants are the first to be awarded to the county’s good causes in 2004 by the Community Fund. Five further rounds of Community Fund grants are expected throughout the year.
05/03/04 Northamptonshire Lottery Joy Northampton Volunteering Centre and Age Concern Northampton & County will share a total of £276,518 of lottery money. The grants are the first to be awarded to the county’s good causes in 2004 by the Community Fund. Five further rounds of Community Fund grants are expected throughout the year.
05/03/04 Lincolnshire Lottery Delight Four organisations - Lincoln and District Citizens Advice Bureau, Home-Start Lincoln, the Boston-based Park Green Project and Boston Women’s Aid – will share a total of £514,184 of lottery money. The grants are the first to be awarded to the county’s good causes in 2004 by the Community Fund.