Welcome to the Community Fund web site*

International grants

We aim to fund effective projects that tackle the causes of poverty and deprivation and bring about a long term difference to the lives of the most disadvantaged people in the world.

We award grants to development organisations based in the UK, who are working in partnership with overseas organisations. For more information about our geographical focus and funding priorities, please see the programme summary.

We will fund projects up to five years. The minimum grant size is £60,000. So far we have funded projects worth a total of £152.2 million. At present, six per cent of the Fund's total grant budget is allocated to International Grants.

Important notice

This programme closes for applications on 31 May 2005.

You must make sure your application reaches our office before 5pm, 31 May 2005.

For further information please call the International Grants team on 020 7211 3821

Note: We cannot give grants to individuals nor directly to organisations based outside the UK.

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