From 1 June 2004 the Community Fund and the New Opportunities Fund has a new joint operating name, Big Lottery Fund.

The Big Lottery Fund takes over the functions of the Community Fund and the New Opportunities Fund, and will be responsible for giving out half of all the Lottery funds for good causes.
The terms and conditions you signed up to when you received a New Opportunities Fund or Community Fund grant require you to acknowledge our funding in your publicity materials, stationery and annual accounts. You also have to display our logo on any buildings, vehicles and equipment you bought with the grant.
We don't expect you to change your current publicity materials or stationery, but we would like you to use the name Big Lottery Fund on any new materials and in your future annual report and accounts. You do not have to replace any permanent branding you already have on buildings or vehicles.
Please read the logo guide before using our logo. To download our logo, please click on the link with the right mouse button and choose "Save" or "Save Target As" from the menu that appears.
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