Welcome to the Community Fund web site*

Managing your grant

Sometimes it seems like all you need to worry about is getting a grant for your project - once you've got that, you might think that things will take care of themselves.

Managing your grant gives you a range of new things to think about. Here, we help you to make sure the management of your grant runs as smoothly as possible.

There's advice on publicising your grant, using our logo and what monitoring information we will need throughout the life of the grant. If you're coming towards the end of your present grant, you may even be thinking about applying for a second grant to develop your project, so make sure you know how to go about it.

The key to successful management of your grant (for both you and us) is two-way communication. We will keep you informed about our requirements. Keep us informed about your project, whether it's doing really well, or whether you're having problems.

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